Jesus promises us full transformation but many don’t experience that fullness of life and tend to question that promise. Is transformation really possible? Even though the answer is a resounding yes, we may miss it as it doesn’t look the way we think it should. We need to allow ourselves to be transformed and it is a process and not instant as we would prefer it to be.

 Practices in Becoming

These practices are designed to help be transform us into becoming like Jesus. This is a journey of transformation - as you walk with Jesus while being empowered by Holy Spirit, your destination is the heart of Father God. As lies are exposed about your belief in who you are and who Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit are, God reveals His Truth and overcomes those lies - in other words you need Truth encounters in each of these practices. As this happens you will become increasingly permeated by the character of Jesus Christ. Community plays a powerful and vital role in your personal transformation journey.

A Rule of Life helps us order our daily rhythms of practices, behaviours and attitudes for our spiritual formation.

Figuring out who your true self is, so that your false self can’t keep holding you back from your calling.

Jesus is our example & guide. We need to go beneath the surface & discover what it means to be human in Jesus.

Coming Soon

We can only find healing from shame in community. We need partners as we aren’t meant to do this alone.

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